Wednesday, February 5, 2014

The Little Things

I'm always talking about how the little things and the simple things are truly the big things. Today I had several ah ha moments where I felt justified in my theory. I love those moments when it all becomes so clear, and we can truly see through all the junk with a clear perspective. I had a few small victories at work today. Having confidence in myself has allowed me to do several things this week that are little things, but they are so huge in my eyes. I relied on material I learned sophomore year of college to solve some quite unique challenges with my bookkeeping. I decided not to doubt my abilities and just go for it, and guess what? I succeeded. It wasn't anything major, but it set the tone for my entire day.
As I walked from my office to the dining hall this afternoon, I paused for a brief moment. I looked up at the sky, and felt the snowflakes fall upon my face as I took in the deepest breath of air I could. In that moment, all I could do was praise God for giving me such a great moment and such a blessed life. That fresh air filling my lungs as I walked freely across beautiful land was a reminder. Breathing fresh air, and being able to walk from here to there are both things we generally take for granted. There are people who die every day trying to walk home from the market or from school while there is a war going on 10 miles down the road from them. Even in our own country, our children are killing other children because of turf, symbols, the difference in how they look, and what economic background they were born in. So, you see, a simple walk for us is a big thing for many people. A simple breath of fresh, crisp, February air is just part of my every day, but for someone out there, fresh air is something they long for.
I received an email today from one of my higher ups. He's a very intelligent man, and I have a tendency to run to him often with my bookkeeping questions. I know it can get to be a lot, and I have often wondered when he was going to say enough is enough. However, I emailed him today with just information. I didn't have any questions because I had somehow managed to figure out some pretty difficult issues on my own. I just wanted to let him know I was almost completed with some paperwork that he would be involved with later on. I didn't expect a response because there was no need for one, but what he sent to me meant the world. He congratulated me on figuring out the issues on my own. He then went on to use several very thoughtful adjectives to describe my performance in a highly positive light. It was the next sentences that truly made me day. "You are an asset. We are quite lucky to have you on our team. It's a blessing." I know that doesn't seem like much, but coming from the man it did makes it a huge deal. He didn't have to respond, but he took the time to and he gave me confirmation that i'm doing a good job. Simple words can have a big impact.
We don't always have the best of days, but today was a reminder to me that even on days that seem to be awful, there will always be something small that can turn it around. My day probably would have been okay if none of the above happened, but I wouldn't take back those simple moments I mentioned for anything in the world. Step outside. I know it's cold, but inhale and exhale and thank God for the ability. Tell someone how much you appreciate them. That they are a blessing. The little things y'all. They're huge.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Memories Are Priceless

It's amazing how the things that matter change as we grow older. Depending on the stage of life, everyone has different concerns and different priorities. I think back to middle school when my stressors were what was I going to wear to the Valentines dance, and even more important was who am I going to ask to be my date or will I get asked? I laugh at those moments now, but at the time, they seemed to be top priority. When I was in middle school and high school, my parents never had as much money as a lot of the other kids. That being said, I learned how to make friends based on being a nice person and having a good personality. At the time, I didn't mind that I couldn't wear Abercrombie. Granted, I was a little too chunky for them anyways, but I digress. Like I said, I didn't mind, but I did sometimes wish I had what some of the other kids had. That feeling eventually faded, and in high school and college, I didn't care at all. By that point I was becoming my true self, and I began to realize how unimportant those things are. Fast forward to current times, and I sit here a person who has very little desire for material possessions. I love nice things, but I put absolutely no worth in them. I dated someone a little over a year ago who was completely opposite of me. Now, there is nothing wrong with that, but I look back and realize how it never was going to work. The things that many women would have a fit over are not as intriguing to me. Getting Coach purses, eating at fancy restaurants, and such are awesome, but for me it's the memories that hold the value. My most prized possessions are my pictures I have of some of the greatest and not so great moments of my life. My relationships with my friends and my family which are one in the same are far greater to me than any item the world can provide. I would choose coffee with a great guy and a stroll under the stars over fancy food all day, every day. I started this post by talking about how our concerns and priorities change over time. Even though i've never put great worth in the all mighty dollar, I can say that over time that worth has faded even more. The most important things in life for me are whether I am honoring God with my everyday actions and how I can make that better. The highlights of my days are to hear good news from my family of renewed health, praises of new found hope and faith, and the well being of my friends and their beautiful babies. Those are big things. Those are things that matter, and they have worth. I don't have to put on heirs, and neither does anyone else. It would be amazing to see how things would change if more people took this approach. I don't want to give the impression that I am downing capitalism or money in the corporate sense. That's not the kind of money handling i'm referring to. This is strictly about what we put our worth in. I have a full time job that pays my bills, and ensures me the right to live a tight, but simple life. My focus is more on what we place value in as a society. Simple things are truly more worthy than what many people realize. We can enjoy nice things, but let's not rely on them. Work hard, play hard, but lets just keep in mind that after our time is done on this Earth, the money isn't going with us. The people we are and how we treated society is what will stand out to our families, our friends and acquaintances, and most importantly to God. I'm writing this post not just for others to read, but as a reminder to myself when I start to put too much worth in things that are unimportant. In Mitch Albom's "Tuesday's With Morrie," there is a great quote by Morrie Schwartz that I've thought of often ever since I first read it. In his last days on this earth Morrie explains to Mitch what is most important in life. He says,“But I do know we’re deficient in some way. We are too involved in materialistic things, and they don’t satisfy us. The loving relationships we have, the universe around us, we take these things for granted.” I agree with Morrie.